My Niece’s Birth Story

So guys, let me just start by saying that my biggest fear as a child was HAVING a child. Don’t get me wrong, I am so excited for the day that Blake and I have kids and nothing is holding me back from that, but birth scares me! Why wouldn’t it? Women, our bodies do some crazy stuff. So when my sister asked me to photograph her first child’s birth I was a little nervous.

My older sister, Hannah, asked me at one of our family dinner nights if I wanted to be in the room to take photos of her birth. The thought had crossed my mind in the past, but I always came up with an excuse for why I shouldn’t be the one to photograph it. I hadn't done birth photography before, so what if the photos didn’t turn out? What if I wasn’t able to get to the hospital for one reason or another? I even tried to convince myself that I shouldn’t be in the delivery room because it would take from my experience when I have kids. It was fear you guys. Fear and insecurity in my ability to capture what I knew would be such a precious moment in my family’s life. Thank the good Lord it didn’t win. I said yes, and the night I spent in the delivery room just a few months later is one that I will cherish forever.

Hannah called me in the afternoon while I was at work to tell me her water broke. I remember saying “Well, here we go!” with such a big smile on my face. Man I was so excited! The rest of the day dragged on. It wasn’t until later that evening that her contractions started. I walked into the labor room to see my whole family ready to welcome our newest member!


Hannah was a champ. And what was better? Her husband Zach was incredible; he was by her side in the best way. It was so sweet watching them support one another. There were so many emotions in the room, everything from pain, anxiety, stress, to excitement, comfort, and love (so much love). I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves.

I remember the exact moment things started picking up. The nurse came in to measure Hannah’s dilation and said it was time. All of a sudden nurses started streaming in and rolling around carts of equipment. My hands and legs started shaking from adrenalin (and I wasn’t even the one giving birth). It was just like the movies! Seriously. I kept on running around trying to find the perfect angle to get the reactions of the brand new parents, I settled into my position right as she started pushing. Between pushes Hannah was cracking jokes, she had everyone laughing so hard!

It only took 6 pushes. Then she arrived. Our sweet baby Avery was healthy and so beautiful! I couldn’t hold back tears watching these two meet her for the first time. Taking pictures with blurry eyes is no joke people.

Avery Jae, my sweet girl. You are so loved. And to my strong and beautiful sister, Hannah, thank you for letting me be a part of such a special experience. You were amazing.

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